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Bruce Castor Jr Accused of Employing Germ Warfare: Impeachment


SWAMPINGTON, DC – Trump Lawyer Bruce Castor Jr was accused of employing germ warfare during the Impeachment trial. “It was horrible, they were trying to kill me,” said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “It was a plot by Trump and Cruz.”
When asked about it Senator Cruz said, “Dude just beefed.”
DC Police were called to investigate, and they discovered that Senate Page for Cruz that very evening bought a lot of beans, however Cruz’s official statement stated that he was going to make a Texas Chilly.
AOC said it was suspicious, having stated that “Con carne is not a real word.”
“We had to crack open all the windows, while I hid in the bathroom, it was horrible,” she went on while our stringer was talking to someone else.

Categories Politics, America


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