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Pelosi To Endorse Mike Pence As The Next President of the United States.


ECHOCHAMBER, CA – Nancy Pelosi has just endorsed Mike Pence to be the next President of the United States, in bold surprise move. “We Democrats are tired of the lack of homophobia in policy these days,” said Pelosi, “As we all know, I pretend to be a devout Catholic when it suits me, and this comes with it.”
When asked about potential criminalizing of Homosexuality and promotion of Conversion Therapy, Pelosi said, “Ah the Gays had a good run.”
“We Democrats have always played lip service to tolerance, it’s time to stop,” she went on.
This endorsement comes along with Impeachment where Tulsi Gabbard voted present confused as to her position of LGBT issues.
When asked if she wasn’t just nuts, she said, “As a Catholic it offended her,” what ever that meant.

Categories POTUS2020, POTUS

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