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We Stand By Our Rapists: Canadian Government


EPSTEIN MEMORIAL, OTTAWA, ONT, CANADA – In brave move Canada has yet again let loose a dangerous, never correctable Child Rapist. The Government of Canada, led by male Feminist and Al Jolson cosplayer, Justin Trudeau, has released a myriad of sexual offenders with multi-partisan support.

Most recently released Trevor L Smith and Taylor A Duecik were a proud moment in “Canadian history,” says Parliamentary Secretary, Kim Lo Li, who was just heading to his White Panel van.
When Trudeau, was asked he said, “Why don’t they ask about dangerous men shooting targets with guns,” and goes on, “Rapists were born that way, as long as no gun is involved, I’m cool.” He never stopped actually, somehow conflated this issue as a Tory excuse to help the NDP subvert Government. So in the spirit of the mainstream media, we accept the lone blame placed on the opposition.

Categories Canada, Liberal


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