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Libertarian Party Announces New Logo Amidst Presidential Announcement.


NOTAUGUST, FL – In a bold move, Libertarian Espionage Advocate, Jo Jorgensen was nominate in a Virtual Nomination Vote, fast tracked before the August 1st 2020 convention date. In celebration of the new reach out the most marginalized community, the Intelligence community, the Libertarian Party unveiled it’s new logo.

“We have been called liars, sneaks and even spooks,” said Intelligence Agent, Johave Nohrit, said, “we protect people from knowing the horrible truth out there, have you seen what we spent, you can’t we classified it, there is not unclassified evidence we ever have done wrong, yet libertarians use to go at us.”
He went on describing Hornberger’s attacks in the last debate as bigoted towards the Espionage community.
Now, it seems the CIA and NSA have no hopes of gaining opposition from any presidential contender.

Categories Libertarian, POTUS2020


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