SPOTY-LIMEY-ON-THE-THAMES, UK – In a brave and bold move, Actor and audience lubrication, Daniel Radcliffe came out in defense of the theory that all human beings are Earth Worms. As shown in the image above.
In the latest of finger wags, he stated how much better he is than anyone who thinks otherwise, That there are no other truths, and one must be tolerant of this theory of the worm.
Many in outrage over this have gone suggest he go fuck himself on twitter, or what they call it “Tuesday,” or “all week,” but this was the whole point of his claims, everyone can go fuck themselves, there is no binary mating, there is no breeding system between two genders. There is no different genitalia, we are all self fucking Earthworms.
A theory posed by the Flat Earth Society Scientists, also known as the Harvard Department of Intersectionalist Studies.
Humans Are Really Earthworms: Radcliffe
Author The Black Jester
Categories Entertainment, Medical