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Trump To Lose Say Shay Dee/Strawman Poll.


STATLIEGH, VA – In a new Shay Dee/Strawman Poll, done by John Dee, Lana Shay, and Jack Strawman’s company have shown a strong pull towards Biden. “We asked the usual question,” said Shay, “Where you going to vote for Biden, Get a Call from ANTIFA, or Throw Away Your Vote?”
“A resounding 90% chose not to be doxed, showing Biden chance to win by a landslide,” said Dee. “We took a slightly different method, we asked if you were A Racist and 95% said they would vote for Biden.”
When asked if how they knew they were able to vote, were likely to vote, where even citizens, they all pointed to a crystal ball.

Categories Politics, POTUS2020


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