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Trump's Presidential Hopes Change As Truth Is Uncovered That Ubisoft Designed Ballot Counting Software.


DETROIT RUINS, MI – In a surprise to many, many vote tabulations were discovered to be wrong after a closer look was taken at a machine’s software. “When we saw it was developed by Ubisoft we knew there was a glitch” said the Election Commissioner in apologetic haste, “Instantly we had to check for errors in the count.”
Ubisoft, famous for it’s addition of glitches to much of it’s software as feature, most famously called the “Sequence 7” factor.
Most ironically the feature in this case would aide the party established by the American Rite. Sometimes protagonist, sometimes antagonist in a game series they produce.
Democrats dispute the need to investigate any irregularities until it benefits Trump or Jorgensen.

Categories Politics, POTUS2020


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