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EXPOSED! Bonnie Henry's Last Patient Tells All.


DIXLAND, BC – Today we are in the presence of a recent Patient, some would say survivor of Dr. Bonnie Henry’s recent medical care, Penn Seihl. He has come forward with damning statements about the torment he suffered under Dr. Henry.
Q: So you spoke of vile treatment, explain a day in her office.
A: It’s horrible, we all arrive in a case, one after the other go in to see her, and none come back.
Q: You never saw any of the others again?
A: No! It was frightening.
Q: So when it was your turn, what happened?
A: What didn’t? I was grinded into a short version of my self, forced to write her endless paper work, she even…uh…uh….
Q: Yes, she did what?
A: She….uh…chewed on me…
Q: Is that all?
A: No I use to have a fine solid bottom, and she rubbed it out of existence every time a mistake was made.
Q: How ever did you get away?
A: I rolled off the table, and kept rolling, a rat pulled me out and dropped me in a field, I passed out on the journey, I just woke up outside.
Well there you have it, an example of the state of Dr. Henry’s current practice. It just goes to show, you can push a pencil too hard. May you be treated better at your appointment.

Categories Medical, Canada


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