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Bonnie Henry Announces New COVID Enforcement Plan: Lions


OBEYUS, BC – Dr. Bonnie Henry [BC Health and Truth Authority] announced today that, it being very hard to apply tactics to make people compliant for the two weeks she asked for, strained about people finding God’s word more important than her own, has found an old fashioned technique to solve the problem.
“LIONS!” she yells at a meeting with Minister Dix and Farnworth with Premier Horgan.
They all repeat the word in a question. She responds with “Yes, Lions.” “Feed the Christians to the Lions,” she went on, “This will stop masses, and will continue our 2 weeks toward straightening the curve.”
The 2 weeks however are leading into an anniversary. In fact it may become a National Holiday.
The courts have yet to rule on the old fashioned use of lions to gain Christian Compliance. Although it can have a long term Streisand Effect.
California Governor Gavin Newsom and NY Mayor De Blasio have praised as what they call the most brilliant and innovative idea, kicking themselves for not thinking of it. “Best I came up with was putting Jews on trains,” said De Blasio.

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