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East Germany Trail Blazers Of Women's Sports: Trans Rights


SAN MARXISCO, CA – What is East Germany some youngster may ask a boomer or Xer, well I’ll tell you, and this is totally not propaganda at all. East Germany was this wondrous Marxist land where everyone was equal no one ever died young and the sweetest gum drops grew on trees like fruit.
In fact it was so progressive it had an army of Transwomen who were totally not cheating the Swim meets at the Olympics and were chased out by Transphobic Capitalist pigs, who didn’t understand the need to let these women be who they were.
I really need to stress, these were true females, not the ones you see everyday competing under a social construct of “womanhood,” like you need a period from 12-60 in order to be a female.
Oh I’d like to ask, if you believe that please click on my virtual earth link and buy up some fake land. It helps me spread the truth of Marxism. Or I’m stuck being poor and nailed to reality.
Remember hashtag “GiveTheGoldBack,” and let those brave ladies be champions again.

On Minds+

Categories Sports, LGBT


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