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Fred To Quit Doctor Who.


CHEKMARX, GB – In a recent announcement, Jodie Whittaker, known mostly for playing Fred on Nickelodeon annoying Rocko’s Modern Life fans waiting to watch something less annoying, said she will no longer be playing “The Doctor” on the BBC’s, Titanic Show, Doctor Who.
This Doctor’s attire would be best described as a woman on laundry day and act like a boring white bread feminist imitating David Tennant facial ticks.
The show has gone down hill while rewriting lore and checking boxes in a show about a Classic Liberal time traveler, despite viewers not giving a damn about checking boxes, and some being quite awake to baiting.
Additions made in recent time was Jon Pertwee’s Spearhead adventure being totally replaced by ironically might be Forest Whittaker in drag and a beloved negative Bisexual Stereotype who is accused of literally enjoying throwing his dick around on set.
Jodie Whittaker, made a statement that went like this, “Nah, oh hash a been dah, goo jobe, but ei…” it’s all Biden to me, but It sounds like she’s out.
Also someone named Chinballs or Chibnail or Chibsomething is leaving as well. Who care’s he looks gross.
Doctor Who made great strides in the 1980s with the first openly Disco Queen, John Nathan Turner took over without Barry Letts to keep an eye on him and the first feminine Doctor was hired.

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Categories Television, Woketivism


  1. nice

    Posty · 21. August 2021, 08:52 · #

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