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Controversy Hits Gotham As Riddler Picks New Twitter Profile Name, Enig.


GOTHAM CITY – The Riddler, Edward Nigma hit a major snag starting a twitter account. Instantly being accused of racism a later deleted riddle.
“I thought Enig would appeal to the younger crowds,” he said, “I thought these people would make good henchmen, but they just accuse me,” in an exclusive interview with Huffinglue Post. “Isn’t “@Eniggah” hip”?
The worst thing is our era Batman has to take him in for an offensive social media, due to a new Gotham statute.
“Last time I take the Joker’s advice on anything!” he shouts into the air.
Luckily by recent comic law, only a black transexual batman can take him in, and that’s not coming for weeks.
He ended the interview saying, “that he was better off being beaten by Batman than spending 2 minutes saying the wrong thing on twitter.”

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