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We Need A "Bend Over And Take It" Law: Colbert


BURBANK, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF NEWSOM – In a startling moment where Steven Colbert stated, in a clapture monologue, that Rittenhouse may not have broken the law. His assertion being a need to change it also came up, and with a later statement to clear it up, after the show.
He called for a “Bend Over And Take It” law, stating that “all people who aggress against another have a right not to be killed.”
“Who am I to say what a skateboard is for, who is Kyle?,” said Colbert in a post show interview, “It’s not about being right or left wing, it’s about supporting the human predator.”
He goes on saying, “there is a practical reason for making sure only outlaws have guns and that it’s only natural to surrender ourselves, to submit ourselves,” and goes on saying, “hey, I hand over my wallet the moment someone big and black is around me, I just assume I am being mugged, and it’s their right, and the urine stains in my pants are totally unrelated.” “Some people have other values….and personal security guards.”

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