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Senator Rand Paul's Geoengineering Exposed: Scowell.


LUMPY GRAVY, CA – Former Comedy Writer for Letterman, and current bus boy for Lumpy Gravy, Noel Scowell, tweeted a fantastic discovery to launch an investigation on.
This discovery was with, the backing of Mitch McConnell, Senator Rand Paul was engaging in Geoengineering, controlling the weather of the State of Kentucky to drive fear in his state and secure a new term.
Ever wonder what he was Doctor of, it was clearly Mad Sciences. Fauci is laughing now.
Others to jump on this theory is Lou Ferrigno agitator, Mark Ruffalo who agreed he alone had the skill and machinery to pull this off.
Jemele Hill called him a hypocrite over the weather he hand made.
Did Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell scheme to destroy Kentucky with a Weather Control machine? Conjecture says yes.

Categories Politics, Partisan


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