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Racist Catfish Eat Bryan Adams: Prefer Cake.


CANCIL, MISS – In a stomp out of professionalism and into politics (pretending he didn’t know what to expect from Mississippi), Bryan Adams storms out of the Mississippi Dive Bar that was going to have him and into a lake River where some curious Catfish ate him hole. “He tastes like his muzak,” said the Catfish, “like shit!” He goes on to saying, “It was like eating a elevator radio, and if you know Catfish, you know I might have.”
The Catfish said, “I don’t know about pastries, but damn I am glad it was some white meat, not another nigger,” when probed more on the politics of Gays he said, “I don’t care about gay or straight, just no inter-racial cakes!”
A few minutes with this fish and you will get too sick for pastries, or maybe it was the moonshine I drank that caused me to talk to a Catfish, I have no fucking idea, I just home I am typing now, I can’t see anything…..

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