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Breaking News: Entire Cast and Crew of Danger 5 Executed.


CHUNNEL, UK THRESHOLD, UK – Amidst new strict laws regulating the ridicule of anything, especially Nazis, and tough anti-Terror laws stopping threat of 80 pound women dripping wet, tough retro-active sentencing has been adopted. In doing so, as of 21:00 last night the entire cast and crew was pulled out of their means of travel, just exiting the Chunnel, and were pulled into a dank room and shot in the back.
They were expecting to do a reunion of their Australian “Hate Crime,” the border guard said, “We set it up, it was a ploy with the BBC as our final solution to this filth,” said MP Nutya Byznus, “One day our ancestors will praising our name with love in their hearts.”
Meanwhile several rapes and bombing occurred behind MP Byznus, that the non-specific gender pronouned MP would have noticed had they stopped bathing in blood for a moment or hours…it was several hours.
Some drank it. It didn’t get better.
Prime Minister May. could not be reached for comment, her secretary said she was just hurt they started without her.

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