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Mother Demands Child Transition: Courts


SOYFIELD, OR – A suit was filed today to demand her child, a fetus, transition. “She wants to transition, born a male, and still a female,” said the mother, Fredala. “Every time he kicks, It feels female, feels like he’s demanding a transition.”
Fedala Bills, a mother of a 4 month fetus, said she demanded her OBGYN give her Daughter who is being formed into the wrong, male, body, a gender reassignment surgery.

Her Doctor, who we will name and provide an address and hospital where he has privilleges to anyone willing to harass them, MD, Jeffrey Hypocratis, who was once Jane Hypocratis, is the Transphobe in Question, at 24 Pinecone Lane, who works at Soyfield General. His boss’ number is available at request on our sock puppet accounts.
We can’t tell you to harass him, but we can’t tell you to act civil.

Categories LGBT, Medical

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