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Next Step In KKK Recruitment: VMA


In a burst of flaming pyrotechnics, Country Music is used to show the Klan love gay people as well.
Taylor Swift let out a large song “Banging my Bumpkin,” before everyone in the MTV Video Music Awards.

“We weren’t expecting the cross,” slowly responded the dropped MTV exec who went on, “We weren’t expecting the cross.”
The Gay Rite, the organization that led this new reach out made a public announcement that read, “We, the Klan, welcome all Gay People who know to stick with their race,” the applauded openess to the LGBT rather open up some questions.
A Swift spokesman said, “We don’t need to explain what happened to the black men later that night, aside from the wonderful truck ride home.”
It may be unusual for us to question the disappearance, except, hey, even the Klan is being inclusive…to Gays and Lesbians and possibly the others.

Categories Entertainment, LGBT

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